Pest Control

Water Damage — A Pest’s Paradise

Pest's Paradise

There are some good things about living in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, with its lush growth and heavy rain, but there are also some bad things, like water problems or the challenges of the wet season. 

Even though a broken tap might not seem like a big deal, it can actually create a great place for pests to live. And if you want to keep your home or business in Tumwater free of pests, you need to hire professional Exterminator Services in Tumwater

Why are pests attracted to water damage?

Pests need water to live, just like all other living things. Unfortunately for homeowners, these unwanted creatures find a safe haven in homes that have water damage from leaks, floods, or high humidity. This extra moisture helps them in a number of ways:

It can create a hydration haven for them. 

Water damage makes drinking water easy for pests to get, especially small ones. This is especially appealing to bugs and mice.

It is the perfect breeding place for them. 

Pests love damp places because they are perfect for reproducing. For instance, mosquitoes lay their eggs in still water, and cockroaches do best in damp places.

Water damage can be a feast for them. 

Water damage can not only bring in pests, but it can also make food for them. Some insects, like silverfish and millipedes, eat mold and mildew because they grow well in damp places. 

The most common culprits of water damage.

Pests can come from any source of water damage, but these are the ones that are most likely to cause an infestation:

Leaky pipes.

Even a small leak that does not go away can leave a damp spot behind walls or under floors, which pests can be attracted to.

Roof leaks. 

If your roof leaks, water can get into your attic, walls, and even crawl spaces, making it a great place for pests to live.


Even after the water goes away, rugs, walls, and furniture that are still wet for a long time can bring in pests. 

Types of pests that are attracted to water damage.

Different kinds of pests are drawn to different kinds of water damage. Here is a list of some usual invaders: 

Type of pests Why they are attracted to water damage The damage they can cause 
Cockroaches They do well in damp areas, and mold can be a potential food source for them. They can spread bacteria and disease and can also contaminate food. 
Rodents They are attracted because water is readily available, and it can act as a potential nesting site for them. They can chew wires, gnaw on furniture, and spread diseases. 
Mosquitos They breed in stagnant water. Mosquito bites can be painful and can potentially cause diseases like West Nile Virus. 
Termites They can feed and burrow in soft, damp wood. They can cause extensive structural damage to your property. 
Silverfish They are attracted to moist environments with access to paper or fabric. They can cause damage to books, wallpaper, and fabrics. 

How to protect your home from water damage and pests. 

Luckily, there are things you can do to keep water damage from happening and keep pests from moving in:

Keep up with regular maintenance tasks. 

Check around taps, lines, and appliances for leaks often. Make sure that the area around your foundation and gutters drains well.

Dehumidify and remove moisture. 

To reduce the amount of dampness in basements, crawl areas, and bathrooms, use dehumidifiers.

Make repairs right away. 

Make sure to fix any pipes or leaks right away. Do not let water damage last.

Get help from professionals. 

If you think pests are in your home because of water damage, call a professional pest control service to find out what is wrong and get rid of it.

By taking preventative steps and quickly fixing water damage, you can make your Tumwater home less appealing to pests and keep it a safe place for people, not unwanted creatures. Remember, it is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to pests. 

Kirke Ruuven
My name is Kirke Reuven. I’m a writer for several websites and I also do writing for people who want help with it. I’ve been doing freelance writing for several years.

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